Press Release Summary = RustSeal from KBS Coatings proves it\'s no imitation rust preventive coating. It clearly has superior qualities in coverage, flow, and finish, over the old standards.
Press Release Body = Forget what you may have thought or heard, this RustSeal from KBS Coatings is the real deal! Not an imitation, RustSeal flows out beautifully, has superior adhesion, and outstanding finishes. Using superior state of the art resins, pigments, and additives, RustSeal stands above the crowd. \"Improving upon \"old\" technology, while remaining competitively priced for our customers, has long been our goal\" stated one company official. Providing extended tech support beyond the standard M-F 9-5, to provide support as late as 10pm EST weekdays and beyond 3pm EST on weekends, also reflects a company commitment to the customer. See the difference for yourself why KBS Coatings rises above the standard.
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Contact Details = 2502 Beech Street Ste 100 Valparaiso, IN 46383 877.548.9323